The food of the varicose veins: the nature and rules of the

The basic rules of food with varicose veins that are designed to increase the effectiveness of the treatment. What you can and can't be eaten in diseases of the veins, and today we are going to talk.

The purpose of the special power of the

a diet for varicose veins

The pathology is chronic, and therefore requires a holistic approach. In addition to the food, which is to be carried out by all the over-the-counter to counter. To wear a compression garment, a moderately dosed physical load.

The diet is designed to:

  1. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The food is rich in vitamins and microelements, improves elasticity and reduces permeability of blood vessels, anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Reduction in the viscosity of the blood. By thinning the blood and preventing the formation of blood clots, which are recommended to observe the drinking mode, and to prevent dehydration.
  3. Reduction of the swelling of the tissues. Food to help you to resolve a problem with fluid retention in the body, which is the primary cause of the edema.
  4. The normalization of the bowel. Toxic substances which accumulate in the body, due to the periodic closure has a negative effect on the blood vessels. The result is increasing the load on the blood vessels and the pressure in the lower limb/the pelvic organs.
  5. In the fight against excess weight. The extra pounds triggered by increased pressure in the blood channels, which is one of the major precipitating factors of varicose veins.

An active lifestyle and a proper diet for a short period of time, restoring the depleted blood vessels.

Follow a diet is necessary, and treatment with minimally invasive techniques. The pathology in most of the cases, back again. Bad habits and a bad diet, the best terms and conditions for the recurrence of the disease.

The principles of the diet

In the menu, the physician shall take into account:

  • the age of the patient;
  • weight;
  • a way of life;
  • heredity;
  • a predisposition to allergies.

The diet is based on eating foods that promote normal blood circulation, speed up lymphatic flow, to prevent traffic congestion. A proper well-balanced diet prevents the occurrence of inflammation of the blood vessels.

What is the useful of

Healthy veins:

  • symbols;
  • of the fibre;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • copper;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium, etc.

A table of the beneficial vitamins and minerals

Nutrients The effect of the If you
The fibres of the It improves digestion, prevents constipation Bran, whole grains, vegetables, fruits
Vitamin C Thins the blood-reduces inflammation in the blood vessels, strengthens blood vessels Cranberries, citrus fruits, kiwi, apples, currants, gooseberries, green
Vitamin E Helps to protect against damage to the muscle membrane Wheat germ, vegetable oils, tree nuts, eggs, leaf lettuce
Bioflavonoids Help to stabilize cell membranes, which are involved in the synthesis of collagen, increases the elasticity of blood channels Green tea, buckwheat, berries, citrus fruits
Zinc Normalizes blood viscosity, which is involved in the formation of a blood Egg yolk, pine nuts, beef liver, and soybeans
Omega-3 fatty acids It protects the blood vessels from damage, it reduces the cholesterol levels. Seafood, spinach, vegetable oil, fish oil, fish
Silicon It participates in the synthesis of collagen and elastin production, strengthens the walls of blood vessels Beans, buckwheat, rice, wheat, oats, soybeans, grapes,
Baker To prevent the thinning and dilatation, is involved in the synthesis of elastin Seafood, seaweed

What a lovely, should be present in the diet

A positive effect on the circulatory channels:

  1. Meat — chicken, veal, rabbit. It would be desirable, that it was flesh to steam. Also useful for varicose veins, and beef liver. However, the fat pig should be abandoned.
  2. Fish & seafood-prawns, squid, mussels – a great alternative to meat dishes.
  3. Vegetables. Cabbage, tomato, bell pepper, carrot, beet) – they are those goods which should form the basis of the daily diet, to the health problems of the blood vessels.
  4. Grain, brown long rice. You can provide the body with the necessary energy. They contain fiber and micronutrients.
  5. Algae. They contain minerals that positively influence the recovery of the vessel.
  6. The dry fruits. Dried apricots and prunes in a large number of contain a large amount of a variety of minerals, including potassium and magnesium, which help to clot the blood and strengthens the veins. They are a great alternative to candy.
  7. Of the herbs. Turmeric, ginger, and thyme in its composition, the ingredients of which assist in the improvement of the properties of the blood.
  8. Seafood. Saturate the body with omega-3. With their help, the resorption of the cholesterol which beneficially affects blood flow.
  9. Nuts and legumes. In its composition, it contains vitamin E, easily digestible protein from plant sources.
  10. The fruit and berries. The positive impact of the breath as a source of vitamin C.
  11. Sprouted wheat). In addition, which helps to cleanse the body, contains amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins.
  12. The olive oil is. It contains a large amount of vitamin E. the Oil can easily be added to salads.

In the context of the ban

a proper diet for varicose veins

That you want to get rid of varicose veins should be avoided:

  1. The meat on the grill. It saturates the body with cholesterol. The blood becomes more viscous, inelastic blood vessels hard for you to encourage my heart.
  2. Mayonnaise. When cooking, it is better to use the butter sauce. They are more useful, and will make the dish even tastier.
  3. The cartons of drinks. It contains almost no nutrients. Therefore, it is better to prepare your own meals. Too many acidic drinks, it is better to dissolve with water in a ratio of 1:3. Thus, the body receives the necessary elements, does not damage the stomach.

The threats include the following:

  • the spirits. Cause joint swelling, promotes the formation of blood clots. A lot of people are wondering if it is possible, in the treatment of varicose veins to take a drink of an alcoholic beverage, and power generation. Answer no — have a worse course of the disease;
  • strong coffee and tea. These beverages is that the blood is more viscous, which is a significant increase in pressure;
  • smoked foods. To contribute to the development of the inflammatory process;
  • salt to taste. A variety of pickles, marinades causes the swelling of the limb;
  • coop. To contribute to the development of varicose veins in the legs;
  • sweet. Their excessive use can lead to extra weight. This in turn leads to the development of severe vascular disease.

You would also have to abandon the semi-finished products, canned food, watch the spice. They are, in their composition they contain natural ingredients.

Characteristics of the consumption of the regime

That the blood is well circulated, it is necessary to take into account drinking a way. For the calculation of the necessary quantity of water, may be as follows: for every kilogram of body weight in 40 milliliters of water.

Thus, there is a girl of 60 kg in a day, you should drink at least 2.4 litres.

It is of the view that, in the treatment of varicose veins, can you drink the water, under the applicable standards, containing as it does soup, juices, tea. This is a misconception. The products are the substances, which, on the contrary, inhibit the thinning of the blood.

A very strong dehydrating effect of strong teas and coffees. Therefore, it is better to drink fruit drinks, fruit drinks, herbal teas and freshly squeezed juices.

The optimal caloric

The norm caloric intake would be 30 kcal per kg of body weight. Thus, a woman weighing 60 kg should consume up to 1800 calories.

If there is a need to reduce the weight, the image will be 1200 kcal for women and 1500 for men.

Special instructions

All of the diet, with the varicose veins is aimed at the reduction of the body weight, it is because many people know that the disease is most common in overweight people. So, if I do not contain all of the components that contribute to the formation of edema in the lower extremities.

A large part of the diet should be fresh vegetables and fruits. Cook food should be eaten cooked, sautéed, or boiled.

If you want to remove the puffiness it helps the products containing in its composition of fiber and protein. These berries, dairy products, cereals, whole grains, bran.

You ought to eat small, frequent meals. A couple of times a week, you would have to edit it on an empty stomach each day. During this period, you should limit the consumption of food, and I prefer water, juices, fruit drinks, and green tea.

A sample of the menu of food for varicose veins

About the menu may be formatted as follows:

  1. The breakfast served. Puree with water or breast milk. Can be Supplemented with chopped fruit and berries.
  2. The Second Breakfast. The salad and green tea.
  3. Lunch. Soup, or boiled fish and salad vegetables.
  4. An afternoon snack. Yogurt with fruit and berries.
  5. Dinner. The rice or buckwheat porridge with vegetables or fish.
  6. The 3 hours time before going to bed you can drink a glass of milk, yogurt, or jelly.

One of the suitable diets with varicose veins is aimed at normalization of body weight. This includes the following:

Breakfast A small sandwich of bread and cheese, 150 grams of fruit and half a Cup of juice.
The Second Breakfast Low-fat yogurt or green tea.
Lunch Baked fish with a side dish of grain or a vegetable.
Afternoon tea A fruit or a vegetable salad dressed with olive oil.
Dinner Tomato soup with black bread or a dish of cottage cheese, and eggs.
the menu

Don't forget that a meals should be agreed with your health care provider. He will tell you what products will suit You.